It Is Good To Learn How A New Haven Dentist Is Treating Sleep Apnea With Safe Alternative

By Lonnie Trevarthen

Issues around sleeping can be very challenging. There are different conditions that can arise, and various reasons for the troubles. You may have been noticing signs that indicate you're not getting enough rest, and you need to find out what the problem is. The next step will be to address the symptoms, and New Haven sleep apnea sufferers have an option for care that will help alleviate the problem.

What happens with apnea is that night breathing is interrupted completely, sometimes for twenty seconds or more. Or, it just gets very shallow a number of times throughout the night. The natural rhythm you need for rest is disrupted, and you'll notice that when you wake in the morning feeling groggy.

There are more symptoms to look for, one being that the morning drowsiness does not ease up throughout the day. You might also have trouble maintaining concentration, and you could have slower reflexes. Of course, that can be dangerous.

Your local dentist has ways to address the problem, and many people say that they begin feeling better in general. One thing that may help your specific issue is to use a dental appliance. It will be fitted just for you, and it will reposition your jaw and tongue. That keeps the airway correctly open, enabling you to get the oxygen you need while you're asleep.

On the other hand, you might be helped just by avoiding lying on your back while asleep. There are techniques you can use to avoid turning over. Or, it's possible that you'll benefit from a small device worn on the back of the neck that will keep you on one side or the other.

To learn more about New Haven sleep apnea dentistry, contact your local office and they will answer all of your questions. Or you can check the Net for information, and go from there. It is important to address it quickly, because if you don't, more health issues can arise.

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